Titel | Notifications API | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Status |
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Versie | Documentatie: 0.9.01 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
schemaVersion: 0.9.01 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Datum | 27 Mei September 2024 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Auteur | Architectenraad Edu-V | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Acties |
Table of Contents |
Scopes |
Bron |
Afnemer |
Objecten | |
Endpoints | Producer (Bron) POST Subscribe to notifications for new/modified/deleted data objects from an API GET Get notifications after created datetime Consumer (Afnemer) POST Receive one notification POST Receive notifications |
Open api | ||||||
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openapi: 3.0.0 info: title: Notifications API version: 0.9.01 description: |- The Notifications API is implemented by a source of data `Bron` to allow consumers `Afnemers` to receive notifications about new/modified/deleted data objects from the SIS API. contact: name: Edu-V url: www.edu-v.org/afsprakenstelsel email: info@edu-v.org components: schemas: schemaVersion: type: string description: | Schema version of this API using semantic versioning 2.0.0. The API version number is communicated in the header. The major version is communicated in the URI. For more information see the [Edu-V versioning guidelines](https://edu-v.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/AFSPRAKENS/pages/9437200/Versiebeheer). default: 0.9.01 Notification: type: object x-tags: - Notification description: |- A notification that something of interest has happened within a service. A subscriber receives notifications within an authorized scope and for certain data objects in the context of a school (using consent). This enables parties to communicate with each other in a loosely coupled way. The event mediator has no direct connection to any of the subscribing systems. Notifications are sent after a data object is created, modified or deleted. The notification contains the id to this data object and an url to retrieve the latest state of the object. The data object is not send as part of the notification itself. All Notifications have a unique `id`. Moreover, the notification also includes an `objectId`, the identifier of the object they carry. This can be used to make sure notifications are processed in order for that object. The `created` time of the notification is the time the action that triggered the notification happened. It is not the time the notification was sent or processed. Deleting an object is supported by sending a notification with the field `isDeleteNotification` flagged as true. This indicates that this is the last notification you will get about this object. title: Notification properties: id: type: string format: uuid example: d290f1ee-6c54-4b01-90e6-d701748f0851 description: 'Unique identifier for this Notification.' notificationType: type: string enum: - object - bulk objectType: type: string description: 'The type of object that has changed.' enum: - Organisation - StudyOffering - SubjectOffering - SchoolPeriod - Enrollment - Assignment - Group - Student - Employee - Product - ProductInfo - Course objectId: type: string description: 'Unique identifier of the object sent within this notification.' school: $ref: '#/components/schemas/SchoolReference' created: type: string format: date-time description: | The moment that the action happened which triggered this notification. As Notifications are sent asynchronous, this is not the moment the Notification was sent. Format: openapi in ZULU time as specified in RFC 3339, section 5.6 url: type: string format: url description: "The callback url to retrieve the modified object" isDeleteNotification: type: boolean description: 'Indication that this is the last notification you will ever see, as the object is deleted.' required: - id - notificationType - objectType - created SchoolReference: type: object title: SchoolReference description: 'A reference to a School organisation.' properties: organisationMasterIdentifier: type: string description: | The primary identifier for a School. For Schools the `OnderwijsaanbiederId` is used. (either organisationMasterIdentifier or organisationIds is required) example: '104A158' # De Mariënborn organisationIds: type: array description: | A secondary identifier for the School. This value is used whenever the primary identifier is not available. (either organisationMasterIdentifier or organisationIds is required) items: type: object properties: organisationId: type: string organisationIdType: type: string enum: - OIE_CODE # Onderwijsinstellingserkenningcode e.g. 09QQ (Marienbornschool) - VE_CODE # Vestigingserkenningcode e.g. 09QQ00 (Marienbornschool) - BP_ID # Basispoort gegenereerde identifier voor de school. - DD_ID # Door de Centrale Registratie van Edu-iX gegenereerde DigiDeliveryId van de school. - AS_ID # Door het Leerlingadministratiesysteem gegenereerde identifier van de school. required: - organisationId - organisationIdType NotificationResponse: type: object x-tags: - Notification description: 'The response for a single Notification given by the Consumer that received the Notification.' properties: id: type: string description: 'The identifier of the Notification where this response refers to.' status: type: integer description: 'See functional status codes within the Documentation.' statusMessage: type: string description: 'See functional status messages within the Documentation.' required: - id - status StatusResponse: title: StatusResponse type: object description: 'Functional status code and status message.' properties: status: type: integer description: 'See functional status codes within the Documentation.' statusMessage: type: string description: 'See functional status messages within the Documentation.' required: - status securitySchemes: OAuth2: type: oauth2 flows: clientCredentials: tokenUrl: https://api.example.com/oauth2/token refreshUrl: https://api.example.com/oauth2/token scopes: eduv.catalogue: 'scope that allows Consumers to receive Products from the Catalogue API.' eduv.course: 'scope that allows Consumers to receive Courses from the Course API.' eduv.education: 'a scope that gives access to all objects from the Education API.' eduv.association: 'a scope that gives access to all objects from the Association API.' eduv.student.basic: 'a scope that gives access to student identifiers and name.' eduv.student.demographics: 'a scope that gives access to student demographics attributes.' eduv.student.communication: 'a scope that gives access to student communication attributes.' eduv.student.accessibility: 'a scope that gives access to student accessibility attributes.' eduv.student.deliveryaddress: 'a scope that gives access to student delivery address attributes.' eduv.employee.basic: 'a scope that gives access to employee identifiers and name.' eduv.employee.communication: 'a scope that gives access to employee communication attributes.' eduv.employee.roles: 'a scope that gives access to employee organisation roles attributes.' paths: /subscribe/{api}: parameters: - schema: type: string enum: - 'education-api' - 'association-api' - 'students-api' - 'employees-api' - 'catalogue-api' - 'course-api' name: api in: path required: true description: 'API to which the Consumer wants to subscribe.' post: summary: 'Subscribe to notifications for new/modified/deleted data objects from an API' operationId: subscribe x-tags: - Notification tags: - Producer description: | Subscribe to notifications from a specified API. The Producer registers the Consumer as one of the subscribers to changes in the requested API. This includes all data objects from schools for which the Consumer has an active consent with the Producer.' responses: '200': description: OK '400': description: Bad Request content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/StatusResponse' '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/StatusResponse' security: - OAuth2: - eduv.catalogue - eduv.course - student-employee-groupeduv.education - student-deliveryeduv.association - eduv.student.basic school /notification: - eduv.student.demographics post: summary: Receive one notification - eduv.student.communication operationId: post-notification x-tags: eduv.student.accessibility - Notification - eduv.student.deliveryaddress tags: - Consumereduv.employee.basic description: | - eduv.employee.communication Endpoint to receive a single Notification as a Consumer from different- Producerseduv.employee.roles For example a party with the reference/notification: component `Gebruiksomgeving digitaal leermateriaal` canpost: receive notifications from all parties offering `Administratiesysteemsummary: onderwijsdeelnemer`Receive referenceone components.notification requestBodyoperationId: post-notification descriptionx-tags: | - Notification The request body contains a singletags: Notification. - Consumer description: | Notifications are processed asynchronous. Endpoint to receive a single Notification as a Consumer from Indifferent theProducers. requestFor bodyexample a statusparty codewith andthe messagereference iscomponent included`Gebruiksomgeving asdigitaal aleermateriaal` confirmationcan ifreceive the notifications arefrom receivedall inparties aoffering correct`Administratiesysteem format.onderwijsdeelnemer` reference components. requestBody: All notifications are confirmed with a status ok (0), excluding notifications that have an invalid format or notifications that were sent in an invalid security scope or consentdescription: | The request body contains a single Notification. See Documentation for functional status codes and messages. Notifications are processed asynchronous. content: In the application/json:request body a status code and message is included as a confirmation if schema:the notifications are received in a correct format. $ref: '#/components/schemas/Notification' All notifications are confirmed with responses:a status ok (0), excluding notifications that have an '200':invalid format or notifications that were sent in an invalid security description:scope OKor consent. content: See Documentation for functional status codes and messages. application/json: content: schemaapplication/json: schema: $ref: $ref: '#/components/schemas/NotificationResponse'Notification' responses: '400200': description: Bad RequestOK content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/NotificationResponse' '401400': description: UnauthorizedBad Request content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/NotificationResponse' '403401': description: ForbiddenUnauthorized content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/NotificationResponse' security'403': - OAuth2description: Forbidden content: - catalogue application/json: - course schema: - education - association$ref: '#/components/schemas/NotificationResponse' security: - student.basicOAuth2: - studenteduv.demographicscatalogue - studenteduv.communicationcourse - studenteduv.accessabilityeducation - studenteduv.deliveryaddressassociation - employeeeduv.student.basic - employeeeduv.student.communicationdemographics - employee.roles eduv.student.communication /notifications: post: summary: Receive notifications operationId: post-notifications eduv.student.accessibility x-tags: - Notifications eduv.student.deliveryaddress tags: - Consumer description: | Endpoint to receive notifications as a Consumer from different Producers. For example a party with the reference component `Gebruiksomgeving digitaal leermateriaal` can receive notifications from all parties offering `Administratiesysteem onderwijsdeelnemer` reference components. requestBody: content: application/json: schema: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Notification' description: |- The request body contains a list of Notifications, sorted oldest notifications first. For Notifications that require Consent to be sent and received between parties, Notifications can only be grouped in the same request if they are from the same school. Notifications are processed asynchronous. In the request body a status code and message is included as a confirmation if the notifications are received in a correct format. eduv.employee.basic - eduv.employee.communication All notifications are confirmed with a status ok (0), excluding notifications that have an invalid format or notifications that were sent in an invalid security scope or consent. - eduv.employee.roles /notifications: post: summary: Receive notifications operationId: post-notifications See Documentation for functional status codesx-tags: and messages. responses:- Notifications tags: '200': - Consumer description: OK description: | content: Endpoint to receive notifications as a Consumer from different Producers. application/json: For example a party with the reference schema:component `Gebruiksomgeving digitaal leermateriaal` can receive notifications from all parties offering `Administratiesysteem onderwijsdeelnemer` reference components. type: array requestBody: content: items: application/json: $refschema: '#/components/schemas/NotificationResponse' '400': type: array description: Bad Request items: content: application/json$ref: '#/components/schemas/Notification' description: |- schema: The request body contains a list of Notifications, sorted type:oldest arraynotifications first. For Notifications that require Consent to be sent and received between parties, Notifications can only items:be grouped in the same request if they are from the same school. $ref: '#/components/schemas/NotificationResponse' '401': Notifications are processed asynchronous. description: Unauthorized In the request body content:a status code and message is included as a confirmation if the application/json:notifications are received in a correct format. schema: All notifications are confirmed with a status ok (0), excluding notifications that have an invalid type:format arrayor notifications that were sent in an invalid security scope or consent. items: See Documentation for functional status codes and messages. $refresponses: '#/components/schemas/NotificationResponse' '403200': description: ForbiddenOK content: application/json: schema: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/NotificationResponse' security: '400': description: Bad Request - OAuth2content: -application/json: catalogue - courseschema: - education type: array - association items: - student.basic - student.demographics$ref: '#/components/schemas/NotificationResponse' '401': - student.communication description: Unauthorized - student.accessability content: - student.deliveryaddress application/json: - employee.basic schema: - employee.communication type: array - employee.roles items: get: summary: Get notifications $ref: '#/components/schemas/NotificationResponse' operationId: get-notifications '403': x-tags: description: -Forbidden Notification tags: content: - Producer descriptionapplication/json: | Allows a subscriber to retrieve aschema: list of past notifications. The provider will not keeptype: thearray notifications indefinite. This API is available to a partyitems: that had downtime and needs to catch up on processing or receiving notifications. The intended retention is a few days to support catching up.$ref: '#/components/schemas/NotificationResponse' security: - parametersOAuth2: - schema: - eduv.catalogue type: string - eduv.course in: query - eduv.education name: since - eduv.association description: 'Timestamp to filter on notifications created after a certain- momenteduv.student.basic Format: openapi in ZULU time as specified in RFC 3339, section- 5.6'eduv.student.demographics - schema: eduv.student.communication type: string- eduv.student.accessibility enum:- eduv.student.deliveryaddress - Studenteduv.employee.basic - StudentDeliveryeduv.employee.communication - eduv.employee.roles Employee - Class get: summary: Get notifications - Group operationId: get-notifications x-tags: SchoolSubject - Notification - SchoolPeriod tags: - ProductProducer exampledescription: Student| Allows a in:subscriber queryto retrieve a list of past notifications. name: objectType The provider will not keep the description: 'Filter by a specific type of object.'notifications indefinite. This API is available to a -party schema:that had downtime and needs to catch up on processing or receiving notifications. type: integer The intended retention is in:a queryfew days to support catching up. name parameters: start - schema: description: 'Start point for pagination of results, defaults to 0' type: string examples: in: query default: name: since description: value:'Timestamp 0to filter on notifications created after a certain moment. Format: openapi in ZULU time as summary:specified 'Thein startRFC point3339, forsection pagination5.6' - schema: type: integerstring maximumenum: 100 - Student in: query - StudentDelivery name: limit - description:Employee 'Limit of number of results returned by page, defaults to 20 with max- 100.'Class examples: - Group default: - SchoolSubject value: 20 - SchoolPeriod summary:- 'TheProduct default value if none is provided' example: Student max: in: query value: 100 name: objectType summarydescription: 'The largest recommended page sizeFilter by a specific type of object.' responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Notification' '400': description: Bad Request content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/StatusResponse' '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/StatusResponse' '403': description: Forbidden content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/StatusResponse' security: - OAuth2: - eduv.catalogue - eduv.course - eduv.education - eduv.association - eduv.student.basic - eduv.student.demographics - eduv.student.communication - eduv.student.accessabilityaccessibility - eduv.student.deliveryaddress - eduv.employee.basic - eduv.employee.communication - eduv.employee.roles x-tags: - name: Notification |
0.0.1: Eerste draft van de API.
0.0.2: Objecten en YAML files zijn toegevoegd t.b.v. de 80 procent specificatie.
0.0.3: De technische specificatie is verder uitgewerkt.
edu_org_id is toegevoegd aan alle endpoints als implementatie van regie op gegevens en de M2M identificatie en authenticatie.
De Events API is herschreven naar het transactiepatroon Abonneren op wijzigingen middels notificaties.
Producer heeft een endpoint subscribe en een endpoint voor Consumers om notificaties na een bepaalde tijdstempel op te vragen.
Consumer heeft endpoint om een notificatie te ontvangen en een endpoints om notificaties te ontvangen.
De status- en foutcodes zijn toegevoegd aan de documentatie en aan de YAML.
In de YAML is aangegeven welke referentiecomponent de endpoints aanbiedt als Producer.
De YAML is geactualiseerd op basis van de bovenstaande wijzigingen.
0.0.4: De school periode is toegevoegd aan het notificatiebericht. Dit stelt de ontvanger in staat om het gewijzigde, nieuwe of verwijderde data object van een specifiek schooljaar op te vragen.
0.0.5: Naam van de API gewijzigd naar Notifications API.
0.0.6: Course API is toegevoegd als optie om een notificatie voor te ontvangen en je op te abonneren.
0.0.7: De pagina is besproken tijdens de bijeenkomst van de Architectenraad Edu-V en is gereed voor de ROSA-architectuurscan.
0.0.8: Typo’s verwijderd uit de YAML file.
0.0.9: De volgende wijzigingen zijn doorgevoerd:
De bulkwijziging is toegevoegd.
De wijzigingen in de architectuur zijn doorgevoerd waardoor het edu_org_id en de schemaVersion is gewijzigd.
De informatieobjecten zijn bijgewerkt op basis van de laatste wijzigingen in de specificaties.
0.9.0: Het Architectuurkader Edu-V is vastgesteld als startpunt voor de implementatie. Tevens is instemming verleend op verdere doorontwikkeling van het Architectuurkader Edu-V op basis van de Architectuurprincipes. Dit akkoord is verleend op het Bestuurlijk Overleg van 27 mei 2024.
De afspraken m.b.t. het Verzenden en ontvangen van berichten wordt tijdens een toekomstige release geïmplementeerd. Na een succesvolle implementatie wordt de uiteindelijke 1.0.0 versie vastgesteld.
0.9.1: Op basis van RFC002 is de scope aangepast met een prefix
. Dit stelt leveranciers in staat om onderscheid te maken tussen gegevensuitwisselingen met leveranciers binnen en buiten het Edu-V afsprakenstelsel.