Titel | Employees API | ||||||||||||||
Status |
| ||||||||||||||
Versie | Documentatie: 0.0.23 | ||||||||||||||
schemaVersion: 0.0.3 | |||||||||||||||
Datum | 15 maart 2024 | ||||||||||||||
Auteurs | Architectenraad Edu-V | ||||||||||||||
Acties |
Veld | Type | Format | Omschrijving | Voorbeeld | O/V | Vullingsregel |
userMasterIdentifier | string | string | De primaire identifier voor de onderwijsmedewerker. | V* | De werkingsregels is dat de primaire identifier wordt gehanteerd in de berichten. Er is nog geen primaire identifier voor onderwijsmedewerkers. Enkel secundaire identifiers worden gehanteerd. In geval van een uitzonderingssituatie kan gebruik gemaakt van een secundaire identifier. | |
userIds | array | userId | Een lijst van secundaire identifiers die gehanteerd kan worden als de primaire identifier ontbreekt. | [{userId: ‘pietjepukkelen@petteflatcollege', userIdType: 'nlEduPersonRealId’}] | V* | Zodra een secundaire identifier voor een uitzonderingssituatie gehanteerd wordt dan wordt naast het Id ook het Type gespecificeerd. Zie de pagina Identiteiten voor de toegestane secundaire identifiers. |
schemaVersion | string | string | Het versienummer van de berichtdefinitie die wordt gehanteerd. | 0.0.2 | V | Conform Semantic Versioning 2.0.0 |
givenName | string | string | De voornaam van de onderwijsmedewerker | V | ||
familyName | string | string | De achternaam van de onderwijsmedewerker | V | ||
familyNamePrefix | string | string | Het tussenvoegsel uit de achternaam van de onderwijsmedewerker | V | ||
sourceId | string | uuid | Een unieke identifier die gegenereerd is door het Administratiesysteem onderwijsmedewerker en binnen dit systeem uniek is. | V | De sourceId wordt gebruikt om informatie over dit object op te vragen in de koppelvlakspecificatie. Deze identifier is betekenisloos en daarmee geen persoonsgegeven. | |
status | string | ENUM | De status van dit object. | active | V | De status is een verplicht veld en geef aan of het object al dan niet verwijderd kan worden. |
dateCreated | string | datetime | Datum waarop de entiteit is aangemaakt | 2017-07-21T17:32:28Z | V | |
dateLastModified | string | datetime | Tijdstempel waarop één of meerdere van de hierboven genoemde attributen het laatst zijn gewijzigd | 2022-08-11T15:31:12Z | V |
Veld | Type | Format | Omschrijving | Voorbeeld | O/V | Vullingsregel | |||||
sourceId | string | uuid | De referentie naar het sourceID van de onderwijsmedewerker. | V | Er is in dit bericht bewust gekozen voor het sourceID om op deze manier een betekenisloze identifier te hebben in de uitwisseling. | schemaVersion | string | string | Het versienummer van de berichtdefinitie die wordt gehanteerd. | 0.0.2 | |
V | Conform Semantic Versioning 2.0.0 | string | string | Het e-mailadres van de onderwijsmedewerker zoals beschikbaar gesteld door de onderwijsaanbieder | employee@school.nl | V | |||||
phone | string | string | Het vaste telefoonnummer van de onderwijsmedewerker zoals beschikbaar gesteld door de onderwijsaanbieder | 010-1234567 | O | ||||||
mobile | string | string | Het mobiele telefoonnummer van de onderwijsmedewerker zoals beschikbaar gesteld door de onderwijsaanbieder | 06-12345678 | O |
Veld | Type | Format | Omschrijving | Voorbeeld | O/V | Vullingsregel | ||||||
sourceId | string | uuid | De referentie naar het sourceID van de onderwijsdeelnemer. | V | Er is in dit bericht bewust gekozen voor het sourceID om op deze manier een betekenisloze identifier te hebben in de uitwisseling. | schemaVersion | string | string | Het versienummer van de berichtdefinitie die wordt gehanteerd. | 0.0.2 | V | |
Conform Semantic Versioning 2.0.0 | organisationRoles | array | organisationRole | Een lijst met organisatierollen die de onderwijsmedewerker vervult bij onderwijsaanbieders. | V |
Open api | ||||||
| ||||||
openapi: 3.0.0 info: title: Employees API version: '0.0.23' description: |- The Employees API is implemented by the `Administratiesysteem onderwijsmedewerker`. Employee data is split into the following objects with corresponding attributes: - Basic data: identifiers and name - Communication: email, phone, and mobile - Roles: organisation roles of the employee within the school Not all Employee attributes are available to all consuming reference components. All objects have a different security scope which allows the `Administratiesysteem onderwijsmedewerker` to share the attributes only with the reference components that are allowed to receive the attributes. All consunming reference components require consent to request data from the Employees API. The Notifications API can be used by consuming reference components to receive notifications about new, modified, or deleted entitities within the Employees API. The Employees API has a scope of primary and secundary education. Vocational education is out of scope. For Vocational Education we advice to use the [Open Education API (OOAPI)](https://openonderwijsapi.nl/). contact: name: Edu-V url: www.edu-v.org/afsprakenstelsel email: info@edu-v.org components: schemas: schemaVersion: type: string description: ' | Schema version of this event/objectAPI using semantic versioning 2.0.0'. The API version number is communicated in the header. The major version is communicated in the URI. For more information see the [Edu-V versioning guidelines](https://edu-v.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/AFSPRAKENS/pages/9437200/Versiebeheer). default: 0.0.23 Employee: title: Employee description: 'The Employee object with its identifiers and name information.' type: object x-tags: - Employee properties: userMasterIdentifier: type: string description: | The primary identifier for the Employee. For Employees this value is empty. There is no primary identifier for Employees. userIds: type: array description: | A secundary identifier for thea EmployeeUser. This value is used whenever the primary identifier is not available. For Employees this value is mandatory. items: (either userMasterIdentifier or userIds is required) type: object items: type: object properties: userId: type: string userIdType: type: string enum: - NEPPI # nlPersonProfileId – value can be used for students and employees - nlPersonRealId - BPI # Basispoort ID – value can be used for students -and Las-keyemployees - BasispoortId eduID # eduID identifier – value can be used for students and employees required: - userIdeckId # ECK iD – value can be used for employees only, eckId is userIdType for - userIdTypeuserMasterIdentifier for students schemaVersionrequired: $ref: '#/components/schemas/schemaVersion' - userId givenName: type:- stringuserIdType familyNamegivenName: type: string familyName: type: string familyNamePrefix: type: string sourcedId: type: string format: uuid description: | The Source Identifier of the object. This is a GUID System ID for an object. This is the GUID that Consumers will refer to when making API calls, or when needing to identify an object. It is RECOMMENDED that systems are able to map whichever local ids (e.g. database key fields), userMasterIdentifier or userIds they use to SourceId. The sourcedId of an object is considered an addressable property of an entity and as such will not be treated as Personally Identifiable Information (PII). The sourceId attribute is based on the [Base Class from OneRoster](https://www.imsglobal.org/sites/default/files/spec/oneroster/v1p2/rostering-informationmodel/OneRosterv1p2RosteringService_InfoModelv1p0.html#Data_Base). status: description: | The status field gives an indication to Consumers about the status of an object. Consumers can delete objects that are flagged `tobedeleted` as such if they wish. The status attribute is based on the [Base Class from OneRoster](https://www.imsglobal.org/sites/default/files/spec/oneroster/v1p2/rostering-informationmodel/OneRosterv1p2RosteringService_InfoModelv1p0.html#Data_Base). type: string enum: - active - tobedeleted dateCreated: type: string description: 'Indicates the date and time the object was first created. Format: Conform openapi in ZULU time zoals gespecificeerd in RFC 3339, section 5.6.' format: date-time example: "2017-07-21T17:32:28Z" dateLastModified: type: string description: 'Indicates the date and time the object was last modified. Format: Conform openapi in ZULU time zoals gespecificeerd in RFC 3339, section 5.6.' format: date-time example: "2022-08-11T15:31:12Z" required: - userIds - schemaVersion - givenName - familyName - status - sourceId - dateCreated - dateLastModified EmployeeCommunication: title: EmployeeCommunication description: 'Communication data of the Employee. For Employees this is the e-mail address, phone number or mobile phone number as provided by the School.' type: object x-tags: - EmployeeCommunication properties: sourceId: type: string format: uuid description: 'The Source Identifier of the Employee.' schemaVersion: $ref: '#/components/schemas/schemaVersion' email: type: string description: 'E-mail address hosted by school (e.g. L123456@school.nl).' phone: type: string description: 'Phone number as provided by the school.' mobile: type: string description: 'Mobile phone number as provided by the school.' required: - sourceId - schemaVersion - email EmployeeRoles: title: EmployeeRoles description: 'Roles of the Employee within the school.' type: object x-tags: - EmployeeRoles properties: sourceId: type: string format: uuid description: 'The Source Identifier of the Employee.' schemaVersion: $ref: '#/components/schemas/schemaVersion' organisationRoles: type: array description: 'The organisation roles the Employee has within the organisation.' items: type: object properties: organisation: $ref: '#/components/schemas/SchoolReference' organisationRole: type: string description: 'The organisation role the Employee has within the organisation.' enum: - administratief-medewerker - applicatiebeheerder - begeleider - invalkracht - ibp-er - leermiddelencoordinator - leraar - mentor - onderwijsbestuurder - onderwijsdirecteur - stagiair beginDate: type: string description: 'The start date on which the role becomes active (inclusive). Format: YYYY-MM-DD (according to RFC3339).' format: date example: '2022-07-31' endDate: type: string description: 'The end date on which the role becomes inactive (exclusive). Format: YYYY-MM-DD (according to RFC3339).' format: date example: '2024-08-31' required: - organisation - organisationRoles - beginDate required: - sourceId - schemaVersion - organisationRoles # This UserReference might not be necessary for the Employees API. References are made based on the sourceId of the Employee object. UserReference: type: object title: UserReference properties: userMasterIdentifier: type: string description: | The primary identifier for a User. For Students the ECK iD is used. For Employees this value is empty. There is no primary identifier for Employees. (either userMasterIdentifier or userIds is required) userIds: type: array description: | A secundary identifier for a User. This value is used whenever the primary identifier is not available. For Employees this value is mandatory. (either userMasterIdentifier or userIds is required) items: type: object properties: userId: type: string userIdType: type: string enum: - NEPPI # nlPersonProfileId – value can be used for students and employees - nlPersonRealId - BPI # Basispoort ID – value can be used for students -and Las-keyemployees - BasispoortIdeduID # eduID identifier – value can be used for students and employees - Medewerkernummer - NEPRI required:# nlPersonRealId – value can be used for students only - userId - ASI # Las-key userIdType– value can be used for students only SchoolReference: type: object title: SchoolReference- eckId # ECK iD – value description:can 'Abe reference used for employees only, eckId is userIdType for userMasterIdentifier for students required: - userId - userIdType SchoolReference: type: object title: SchoolReference description: 'A reference to a School organisation.' properties: organisationMasterIdentifier: type: string description: | The primary identifier for a School. For Schools the `Onderwijsaanbiedercode``OnderwijsaanbiederId` is used. (either organisationMasterIdentifier or organisationIds is required) example: '104A158' # De Mariënborn organisationIds: type: array description: | A secundary identifier for the School. This value is used whenever the primary identifier is not available. (either organisationMasterIdentifier or organisationIds is required) items: type: object properties: organisationId: type: string organisationIdType: type: string enum: - InstellingserkenningOIE_CODE # Onderwijsinstellingserkenningcode e.g. 09QQ (Marienbornschool) - VestigingserkenningVE_CODE # Vestigingserkenningcode e.g. 09QQ00 (Marienbornschool) - BasispoortIdBP_ID # Door Basispoort gegenereerde identifier voor de school. - DigiDeliveryIdDD_ID # Door de Centrale Registratie van Edu-iX gegenereerde identifierDigiDeliveryId van de school. - LAS-keyAS_ID # Door het Leerlingadministratiesysteem gegenereerde identifier van de school. required: - organisationId - organisationIdType StatusResponse: title: StatusResponse type: object description: 'Functional status code and status message.' properties: status: type: integer description: 'See functional status codes within the Documentation.' statusMessage: type: string description: 'See functional status messages within the Documentation.' required: - status securitySchemes: OAuth2: type: oauth2 flows: clientCredentials: tokenUrl: https://api.example.com/oauth2/token refreshUrl: https://api.example.com/oauth2/token scopes: employee.basic: 'a scope that gives access to employee identifers and name.' employee.communication: 'a scope that gives access to employee communication attributes.' employee.roles: 'a scope that gives access to employee organisation roles attributes.' paths: /employees/: parameters: - schema: type: string name: edu_org_idsourceId in: query required: true description: |'Reference to the sourceId of the Employee object.' All data from the- Employeesschema: API requires a consent from the School. type: string The `edu_org_id` parameter isname: mandatoryorgMasterId to request information from the `Administratiesysteem onderwijsmedewerker`. in: query This allowsrequired: thefalse `Administratiesysteem onderwijsmedewerker` to check if the requesting client hasdescription: an| active data exchange (consent) for the specified edu_org_id. The organisationMasterIdentifier of the -school. schema: This type:parameter stringis used when the primairy identifier for a name: sourceId school (being the `OnderwijsaanbiederId`) is available. - inschema: query requiredtype: truestring descriptionname: 'Reference to the sourceId of the Employee object.'orgId - schemain: query typerequired: stringfalse namedescription: schemaVersion| in: query The organisationIdentifier (secundary identifier) of the school. required: false This description:parameter 'Optionalis parameterused toin requestcombination awith responsethe inorgIdType awhen specificthe schemaorganisationMasterIdentifier version.is Ifnot noneavailable. supplied, the server will choose its default- schema: version.' get: type: string summary: 'Get Employee' x-tagsexample: DD_ID - Employee enum: tags: - AdministratiesysteemOIE_CODE onderwijsmedewerker operationId: get-employee - VE_CODE description: | Request an- EmployeeBP_ID object based on its sourceId. - TheDD_ID Source Identifier is the GUID System ID for an object. This is the- GUIDAS_ID that Consumers will refer to when making API calls.name: orgIdType The sourcedIdin: ofquery an object is considered an addressable property of anrequired: entityfalse and as such will not be treated as Personallydescription: Identifiable| Information (PII). responses: The type of the organisationIdentifier. '200': This parameter is description:used OKin combination with the orgId when the organisationMasterIdentifier is not available. content: get: summary: application/json:'Get Employee' x-tags: schema: - Employee tags: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Employee' - Administratiesysteem onderwijsmedewerker '400'operationId: get-employee description: | description: Bad Request Request an Employee object based on content:its sourceId. The Source Identifier application/json:is the GUID System ID for an object. This is the GUID that Consumers will schema:refer to when making API calls. The sourcedId of $ref: '#/components/schemas/StatusResponse'an object is considered an addressable property of an entity and as such will not be treated as Personally Identifiable Information (PII). responses: '401200': description: UnauthorizedOK content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/StatusResponseEmployee' '403400': description: ForbiddenBad Request content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/StatusResponse' '404401': description: Not FoundUnauthorized content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/StatusResponse' security: '403': - OAuth2: description: Forbidden - employee.basic /employees/school/content: parameters: - schemaapplication/json: type: string schema: name: edu_org_id in$ref: query '#/components/schemas/StatusResponse' required'404': true description: |Not Found All datacontent: from the Employees API requires a consent from the School. application/json: The `edu_org_id` parameter is mandatory to request informationschema: from the `Administratiesysteem onderwijsmedewerker`. This allows the `Administratiesysteem onderwijsmedewerker` to check if the requesting client has an active data exchange (consent) for the specified edu_org_id.$ref: '#/components/schemas/StatusResponse' security: - OAuth2: - schema: - employee.basic $ref: '#/componentsemployees/schemasschool/SchoolReference': parameters: name: school - schema: in: query type: string required: true name: orgMasterId description: 'Reference to the primary orin: secundaryquery identifier of a school.' required: false - schema: description: | type: integer The organisationMasterIdentifier name:of startthe school. in: query This parameter is used when the description: 'Start pointprimairy identifier for paginationa ofschool results,(being defaultsthe to 0,' `OnderwijsaanbiederId`) is available. - examplesschema: defaulttype: string name: orgId value: 0 in: query summary: The start pointrequired: forfalse pagination - schemadescription: | type: integerThe organisationIdentifier (secundary identifier) of the school. maximum: 100 This parameter is used name:in limitcombination with the orgIdType when the organisationMasterIdentifier is not in:available. query - descriptionschema: 'Limit of number of results returned by page, defaults to 20type: withstring max 100.' examplesexample: DD_ID defaultenum: - value:OIE_CODE 20 - summary:VE_CODE The default value if none is provided - BP_ID max: - DD_ID value: 100 - AS_ID summary: The largest recommended page size name: orgIdType - schema: in: query type: string required: false formatdescription: date-time| in: query The type of the organisationIdentifier. name: since This parameter required:is falseused in combination with the orgId when the organisationMasterIdentifier is description: 'Request all objects modified after the specified timestamp. Format: Conform openapi in ZULU time as specified in RFC 3339, section 5.6'not available. - schema: type: integer examplename: "2017-07-21T17:32:28Z" start - schemain: query typedescription: string'Start point for pagination of results, defaults to 0,' name: schemaVersion examples: in: query requireddefault: false description: 'Optional parameter tovalue: request0 a response in a specific schema version. If none supplied, the server willsummary: chooseThe itsstart defaultpoint schemafor version.'pagination get: - summaryschema: Get Employees for School x-tagstype: integer - Employee maximum: 100 tags: name: limit - Administratiesysteem onderwijsmedewerker in: query operationId: get-employees-for-school description: 'RequestLimit allof Employeenumber objectsof includingresults basicreturned informationby (identifierspage, anddefaults names)to for20 awith specifiedmax school100.' responsesexamples: '200'default: descriptionvalue: 20 OK contentsummary: The default value if none is provided application/json: max: schema: value: 100 typesummary: arrayThe largest recommended page size - schema: items: type: string $refformat: '#/components/schemas/Employee'date-time '400'in: query descriptionname: Badsince Request required: false content: description: 'Request all objects modified after application/json:the specified timestamp. Format: Conform openapi in ZULU time as specified in RFC 3339, schema:section 5.6' example: "2017-07-21T17:32:28Z" get: $ref: '#/components/schemas/StatusResponse' summary: Get Employees for School '401': x-tags: description: Unauthorized - Employee contenttags: - Administratiesysteem onderwijsmedewerker application/json: operationId: get-employees-for-school description: 'Request schema:all Employee objects including basic information (identifiers and names) for a specified school.' $ref: '#/components/schemas/StatusResponse'responses: '403200': description: ForbiddenOK content: application/json: schema: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/StatusResponseEmployee' '404400': description: NotBad FoundRequest content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/StatusResponse' security'401': - OAuth2description: Unauthorized content: - employee.basic /employees/communication/: parameters application/json: - schema: schema: type: string name$ref: edu_org_id'#/components/schemas/StatusResponse' in'403': query requireddescription: trueForbidden description: | content: All data from theapplication/json: Employees API requires a consent from the School. schema: The `edu_org_id` parameter is mandatory to request information from the `Administratiesysteem onderwijsmedewerker`. $ref: '#/components/schemas/StatusResponse' This allows'404': the `Administratiesysteem onderwijsmedewerker` to check if the requesting client has andescription: activeNot dataFound exchange (consent) for the specified edu_org_id. content: - schema application/json: type schema: string name: sourceId $ref: '#/components/schemas/StatusResponse' insecurity: query - requiredOAuth2: true - employee.basic description: 'Reference to the sourceId of the Employee object.' /employees/communication/: parameters: - schema: type: string name: schemaVersionsourceId in: query required: falsetrue description: 'OptionalReference parameterto tothe requestsourceId aof responsethe inEmployee aobject.' specific schema version. If none supplied, the- serverschema: will choose its default schema version.' gettype: string summary: 'Get Employee Communication'name: orgMasterId x-tags: in: query - EmployeeCommunication required: false tags: description: | - Administratiesysteem onderwijsmedewerker The operationId: get-employee-communication organisationMasterIdentifier of the school. description: | This parameter is used Requestwhen the primairy communicationidentifier attributesfor ofa Employeeschool object(being basedthe on`OnderwijsaanbiederId`) itsis sourceIdavailable. - schema: The Source Identifier is the GUID System ID for an object.type: Thisstring is the GUID that Consumers will refer to whenname: makingorgId API calls. in: query The sourcedId of an object is considered an addressablerequired: propertyfalse of an entity and as such will not bedescription: treated| as Personally Identifiable Information (PII). The responses:organisationIdentifier (secundary identifier) of the school. '200': This parameter is used description: OK in combination with the orgIdType when the organisationMasterIdentifier is not available. content: - schema: application/json: type: string schemaexample: DD_ID $refenum: '#/components/schemas/EmployeeCommunication' '400': - OIE_CODE description: Bad Request - VE_CODE content: - BP_ID application/json: - DD_ID schema: - AS_ID $refname: '#/components/schemas/StatusResponse'orgIdType '401'in: query descriptionrequired: Unauthorizedfalse description: | content: The type of application/json: the organisationIdentifier. This parameter is schema:used in combination with the orgId when the organisationMasterIdentifier is not available. $refget: '#/components/schemas/StatusResponse' summary: 'Get Employee Communication'403': x-tags: description: Forbidden - EmployeeCommunication contenttags: - Administratiesysteem onderwijsmedewerker application/json: operationId: get-employee-communication schemadescription: | Request the communication attributes of Employee object $ref: '#/components/schemas/StatusResponse' based on its sourceId. '404': The Source Identifier is the GUID System ID for description:an Notobject. FoundThis is the GUID that Consumers will refer to when making API calls. content: The sourcedId of an object application/json: schema: is considered an addressable property of an entity and as such will not be treated as Personally Identifiable Information (PII). responses: $ref: '#/components/schemas/StatusResponse'200': security: description: OK - OAuth2: content: - employee.communication /employees/communication/school/application/json: parameters: - schema: type$ref: string'#/components/schemas/EmployeeCommunication' name'400': edu_org_id in description: queryBad Request requiredcontent: true description: |application/json: schema: All data from the Employees API requires a consent from the School. $ref: '#/components/schemas/StatusResponse' '401': The `edu_org_id` parameter is mandatory to request information from the `Administratiesysteemdescription: onderwijsmedewerker`.Unauthorized Thiscontent: allows the `Administratiesysteem onderwijsmedewerker` to check if the requesting client has an activeapplication/json: data exchange (consent) for the specified edu_org_id. - schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/SchoolReferenceStatusResponse' name'403': school indescription: queryForbidden requiredcontent: true description: 'Reference to theapplication/json: primary or secundary identifier of a school.' - schema: type: integer name$ref: start'#/components/schemas/StatusResponse' in'404': query description: 'Start point for pagination of results, defaults to 0,'Not Found content: examples: defaultapplication/json: value: 0 schema: summary: The start point for pagination $ref: '#/components/schemas/StatusResponse' - schemasecurity: - OAuth2: type: integer maximum: 100- employee.communication /employees/communication/school/: nameparameters: limit - schema: in: query descriptiontype: 'Limitstring of number of results returned by page, defaults to 20 with max 100.'name: orgMasterId examplesin: query defaultrequired: false valuedescription: 20 | summary: The defaultorganisationMasterIdentifier valueof ifthe noneschool. is provided This parameter max:is used when the primairy identifier for a school (being the `OnderwijsaanbiederId`) value: 100 is available. summary: The largest recommended page size - schema: type: string formatname: date-timeorgId in: query namerequired: sincefalse requireddescription: false| description: 'Request The allorganisationIdentifier objects(secundary modifiedidentifier) afterof the school. specified timestamp. Format: Conform openapi in ZULU time as specified inThis RFCparameter 3339,is section 5.6' example: "2017-07-21T17:32:28Z"used in combination with the orgIdType when the organisationMasterIdentifier is not available. - schema: type: string name example: schemaVersionDD_ID inenum: query required: false - OIE_CODE description: 'Optional parameter to request a response in- aVE_CODE specific schema version. If none supplied, the server will choose its default schema version.'- BP_ID get: summary: Get- EmployeesDD_ID Communication for School x-tags: - AS_ID - EmployeeCommunication name: orgIdType tags: in: query - Administratiesysteem onderwijsmedewerker required: false operationId: get-employees-communication-for-school description: 'Request communication| attributes for all Employee objects for a specified school.' The type of the organisationIdentifier. responses: '200': This parameter is used in combination with the orgId when description:the OKorganisationMasterIdentifier is not available. - contentschema: application/jsontype: integer name: start schema: in: query typedescription: array'Start point for pagination of results, defaults to 0,' itemsexamples: default: $ref: '#/components/schemas/EmployeeCommunication' value: 0 '400': descriptionsummary: BadThe Requeststart point for pagination - contentschema: application/jsontype: integer maximum: 100 schema: name: limit $refin: '#/components/schemas/StatusResponse'query '401'description: 'Limit of number of results returned by page, defaults to description:20 Unauthorizedwith max 100.' contentexamples: default: application/json: value: 20 schema: summary: The default value if none is provided $ref: '#/components/schemas/StatusResponse' '403'max: descriptionvalue: 100 Forbidden content summary: The largest recommended page size - application/jsonschema: type: string schema: format: date-time $refin: '#/components/schemas/StatusResponse'query '404'name: since descriptionrequired: Notfalse Found description: 'Request all content:objects modified after the specified timestamp. Format: Conform openapi in ZULU time as application/json:specified in RFC 3339, section 5.6' schema:example: "2017-07-21T17:32:28Z" get: summary: Get Employees Communication $ref: '#/components/schemas/StatusResponse'for School securityx-tags: - OAuth2:EmployeeCommunication tags: - employee.communication - /employees/roles/:Administratiesysteem onderwijsmedewerker parametersoperationId: get-employees-communication-for-school - schemadescription: 'Request communication attributes for all Employee objects for a specified school.' typeresponses: string name'200': edu_org_id indescription: OK query requiredcontent: true description: | application/json: All data from the Employees API requiresschema: a consent from the School. The `edu_org_id` parameter is mandatory to request information from the `Administratiesysteem onderwijsmedewerker`. type: array items: This allows the `Administratiesysteem onderwijsmedewerker` to check if the requesting client has an active data exchange (consent) for the specified edu_org_id.$ref: '#/components/schemas/EmployeeCommunication' - schema'400': typedescription: stringBad Request name: sourceId content: in: query required: true application/json: description: 'Reference to the sourceId of the Employeeschema: object.' - schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/SchoolReferenceStatusResponse' name'401': school indescription: queryUnauthorized required: false content: description: 'Optional filter to request theapplication/json: organsiation roles of the Employee at the specified school. Reference to the primary or secundaryschema: identifier of a school.' - schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/StatusResponse' type'403': string namedescription: schemaVersionForbidden in: query content: required: false application/json: description: 'Optional parameter to request a response in a specific schema: version. If none supplied, the server will choose its default schema version.' get$ref: '#/components/schemas/StatusResponse' summary: 'Get Employee Roles'404': x-tags: description: Not Found - EmployeeRoles tagscontent: - Administratiesysteem onderwijsmedewerker application/json: operationId: get-employee-roles description: | schema: Request the organiation roles attributes of Employee object based on its sourceId.$ref: '#/components/schemas/StatusResponse' security: The Source Identifier is the GUID System- IDOAuth2: for an object. This is the GUID that Consumers will refer to when making API calls.- employee.communication /employees/roles/: Theparameters: sourcedId of an object is considered an- addressableschema: property of an entity and as such will not be treatedtype: asstring Personally Identifiable Information (PII). name: sourceId responses: '200'in: query descriptionrequired: OKtrue contentdescription: 'Reference to the sourceId of the Employee object.' application/json: - schema: schematype: string name: orgMasterId $ref in: '#/components/schemas/EmployeeRoles'query '400'required: false description: | Bad Request The organisationMasterIdentifier content:of the school. This parameter application/json:is used when the primairy identifier for a school (being the `OnderwijsaanbiederId`) is available. schema: - schema: $reftype: '#/components/schemas/StatusResponse'string '401'name: orgId in: query description: Unauthorized required: false content: description: | application/json: The organisationIdentifier (secundary identifier) of the school. schema: This parameter is used in combination with the orgIdType when $ref: '#/components/schemas/StatusResponse' the organisationMasterIdentifier is not available. - '403'schema: descriptiontype: Forbiddenstring contentexample: DD_ID application/jsonenum: - OIE_CODE schema: - VE_CODE $ref: '#/components/schemas/StatusResponse' '404':- BP_ID description: Not Found- DD_ID content: - AS_ID application/jsonname: orgIdType in: query schema: required: false description: | $ref: '#/components/schemas/StatusResponse' security: The type of the organisationIdentifier. - OAuth2: This parameter is used in combination -with employee.rolesthe orgId when /employees/roles/school/: parameters:the organisationMasterIdentifier is not available. get: summary: 'Get Employee Roles' x-tags: - EmployeeRoles tags: - Administratiesysteem onderwijsmedewerker operationId: get-employee-roles description: | Request the organiation roles attributes of Employee object based on its sourceId. The Source Identifier is the GUID System ID for an object. This is the GUID that Consumers will refer to when making API calls. The sourcedId of an object is considered an addressable property of an entity and as such will not be treated as Personally Identifiable Information (PII). responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/EmployeeRoles' '400': description: Bad Request content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/StatusResponse' '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/StatusResponse' '403': description: Forbidden content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/StatusResponse' '404': description: Not Found content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/StatusResponse' security: - OAuth2: - employee.roles /employees/roles/school/: parameters: - schema: type: string name: orgMasterId in: query required: false description: | The organisationMasterIdentifier of the school. This parameter is used when the primairy identifier for a school (being the `OnderwijsaanbiederId`) is available. - schema: type: string name: orgId in: query required: false - schema:description: | The organisationIdentifier (secundary identifier) of the school. This parameter is used in type: string combination with the orgIdType when the organisationMasterIdentifier is not available. - nameschema: edu_org_id intype: string query requiredexample: DD_ID true descriptionenum: | - OIE_CODE All data from the Employees API requires a consent from the School.- VE_CODE The `edu_org_id` parameter- isBP_ID mandatory to request information from the `Administratiesysteem onderwijsmedewerker`. - DD_ID This allows the `Administratiesysteem onderwijsmedewerker` to check if the- requestingAS_ID client has an active data exchange (consent) for thename: specified edu_org_id.orgIdType - schemain: query $refrequired: '#/components/schemas/SchoolReference'false namedescription: school| in: query The type of the organisationIdentifier. required: true This parameter is used description:in 'Referencecombination towith the primaryorgId orwhen secundarythe identifierorganisationMasterIdentifier ofis anot schoolavailable.' - schema: type: integer name: start in: query description: 'Start point for pagination of results, defaults to 0,' examples: default: value: 0 summary: The start point for pagination - schema: type: integer maximum: 100 name: limit in: query description: 'Limit of number of results returned by page, defaults to 20 with max 100.' examples: default: value: 20 summary: The default value if none is provided max: value: 100 summary: The largest recommended page size - schema: type: string format: date-time in: query name: since required: false description: 'Request all objects modified after the specified timestamp. Format: Conform openapi in ZULU time as specified in RFC 3339, section 5.6' example: "2017-07-21T17:32:28Z" - schema: type: string name: schemaVersion in: query required: false description: 'Optional parameter to request a response in a specific schema version. If none supplied, the server will choose its default schema version.': Conform openapi in ZULU time as specified in RFC 3339, section 5.6' example: "2017-07-21T17:32:28Z" get: summary: Get Employees Roles for School x-tags: - EmployeeRoles tags: - Administratiesysteem onderwijsmedewerker operationId: get-employees-roles-for-school description: 'Request organisation roles attributes for all Employee objects for a specified school.' responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/EmployeeRoles' '400': description: Bad Request content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/StatusResponse' '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/StatusResponse' '403': description: Forbidden content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/StatusResponse' '404': description: Not Found content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/StatusResponse' security: - OAuth2: - employee.roles x-tags: - name: Employee - name: EmployeeCommunication - name: EmployeeRoles |
0.0.1: De Rostering API was voorheen een onderdeel van de SIS API. Hierin waren de volgende wijzingen gedaan:
0.0.1: Eerste draft van de API.
0.0.2: Berichtdefinities en YAML files zijn toegevoegd t.b.v. de 80 procent specificatie.
0.0.3: De technische specificatie is verder uitgewerkt. Ook is de feedback uit de werkgroepen verwerkt in een volgende versie:
GET all endpoints zijn toegevoegd voor alle objecten.
Query parameter edu_org_id is toegevoegd aan alle endpoints als implementatie van regie op gegevens en de M2M identificatie en authenticatie.
Bericht Teacher is hernoemd naar Employee inclusief het attribuut role. In dezelfde lijn is ook teacherReference hernoemd naar employeeReference
De waardelijst studyYear is verduidelijkt.
Het attribuut class van de Student is een separaat bericht geworden inclusief employees.
De status- en foutcodes zijn toegevoegd aan de documentatie en de YAML.
In de YAML is aangegeven welke referentiecomponent de endpoints aanbiedt als Producer.
De YAML is geactualiseerd op basis van de bovenstaande wijzigingen.
0.0.4: Berichtdefinities geactualiseerd op basis van herziening rollen en referentiecomponenten in het architectuurkader.
0.0.5: Terminologie in YAML bijgewerkt.
0.0.6: Gegevensdiensten van SIS API opgesplitst in:
Adresgegevens fijndistributie
0.0.2: De Employees API is opgesteld op basis van een herziening van de SIS API. In deze herziening is aansluiting gezocht bij de best practices uit bestaande standaarden en een uiteenzetting van ontwerpeisen vanuit de flexibilisering van het onderwijs.
0.0.3: De volgende wijzigingen zijn gedaan:
Wijzigingen in de architectuur:
Attribuut schemaVersion is verwijderd uit de berichtspecificaties.
Query parameter schemaVersion is verwijderd uit de koppelvlakken.
Query parameter edu_org_id is verwijderd uit de koppelvlakken waar consent voor nodig is.
Query parameters orgMasterId, orgId en orgIdType zijn toegevoegd om informatie over een onderwijsaanbieder op te vragen.