Technisch: API specificatie
POC Scope
De API specificatie bevat verwijzingen die niet meer actief zijn. Deze gaan in de definitieve versie aangepast worden.
Open api | ||||||
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openapi: 3.0.0 info: version: 0.0.1 title: Events API components: schemas: schemaVersion: type: string description: 'Schema version of this event/object using semantic versioning 2.0.0' default: 1.3.0 Event: type: object x-tags: - Event description: |- An event is a notification that something of interest has happened within a service. A subscriber receives events within an authorized scope and for certain events in the context of a school (using consent). This enables parties to communicate with each other in a loosely coupled way. The event mediator has no direct connection to any of the subscribing systems. Events are sent after an activity of a Student or Teacher (e.g. usage, progress or results). Events are also sent if an object (e.g. Product, Course, Student, Group) is created, modified or deleted. For the latter category the last version of the object is sent as part of the Event `data` field. All previous events about the same object may be ignored. All Events have a unique `id`. Moreover, the event also includes an `objectId`, the identifier of the object they carry. This can be used to make sure events are processed in order for that object. The `created` time of the event is the time the action that triggered the event happened. It is not the time the event was sent or processed. Deleting an object is supported by sending an event with the field `isDeleteEvent` flagged as true. This indicates that this is the last event you will get about this object. The data is empty in this case. title: Event properties: id: type: string format: uuid example: d290f1ee-6c54-4b01-90e6-d701748f0851 description: 'Unique identifier for this Event.' schemaVersion: $ref: '#/components/schemas/schemaVersion' type: type: string description: 'The type of Event object sent within this Event message.' enum: - la.Product - la.Course - la.CourseStructure - la.InitialActivation - la.Usage - la.SimpleProgress - la.SimpleResult - mp.Entitlement - mp.EntitlementConfirmation - mp.ChangeLicenseStatus - mp.ChangeLicenseStatusConfirmation - mp.ActivationCodeRequest - mp.ActivationCodeConfirmation - mp.ActivationCodeRevokeRequest - mp.ActivationCodeRevokeConfirmation - mp.OrderRequest - mp.OrderConfirmation - mp.CreditOrderRequest - mp.CreditOrderConfirmation - sis.Student - sis.StudentDelivery - sis.Teacher - sis.Group - sis.SchoolSubject - sis.SchoolPeriod objectId: type: string description: 'Unique identifier of the object sent within this event.' userIdType: type: string description: 'In case the object is a Student or Teacher, this field should be filled with the used userId format in the objectId.' enum: - ECKiD - nlPersonProfileId - nlPersonRealId - Las-key - Leerlingnummer - Medewerkernummer created: type: string format: date-time description: | The moment that the action happened which triggered this event. As Events are sent asynchronous, this is not the moment the Event was sent. Format: openapi in ZULU time as specified in RFC 3339, section 5.6 data: $ref: '#/components/schemas/EventData' isDeleteEvent: type: boolean description: 'Indication that this is the last event you will ever see, as the object is deleted.' required: - id - schemaVersion - type - created EventData: title: EventData description: 'The data object sent in the Event. The `type` field in the Event message specifies the type of data object.' x-tags: - Event oneOf: - $ref: ./catalogue.v1.yaml#/components/schemas/Product - $ref: ./course.v1.yaml#/components/schemas/Course - $ref: ./course.v1.yaml#/components/schemas/CMI5.CourseStructure - $ref: ./usage.v1.yaml#/components/schemas/InitialActivation - $ref: ./usage.v1.yaml#/components/schemas/Usage - $ref: ./progress.v1.yaml#/components/schemas/SimpleProgress - $ref: ./results.v1.yaml#/components/schemas/SimpleResult - $ref: ./entitlement.v1.yaml#/components/schemas/EntitlementEvent - $ref: ./entitlement.v1.yaml#/components/schemas/EntitlementConfirmation - $ref: ./entitlement.v1.yaml#/components/schemas/ChangeLicenseStatus - $ref: ./entitlement.v1.yaml#/components/schemas/ChangeLicenseStatusConfirmation - $ref: ./entitlement.v1.yaml#/components/schemas/ActivationCodeRequest - $ref: ./entitlement.v1.yaml#/components/schemas/ActivationCodeConfirmation - $ref: ./entitlement.v1.yaml#/components/schemas/ActivationCodeRevokeRequest - $ref: ./entitlement.v1.yaml#/components/schemas/ActivationCodeRevokeConfirmation - $ref: ./order.v1.yaml#/components/schemas/OrderRequest - $ref: ./order.v1.yaml#/components/schemas/OrderConfirmation - $ref: ./order.v1.yaml#/components/schemas/CreditOrderRequest - $ref: ./order.v1.yaml#/components/schemas/CreditOrderConfirmation - $ref: ./sisdata.v1.yaml#/components/schemas/Student - $ref: ./sisdata.v1.yaml#/components/schemas/StudentDelivery - $ref: ./sisdata.v1.yaml#/components/schemas/Teacher - $ref: ./sisdata.v1.yaml#/components/schemas/Group - $ref: ./sisdata.v1.yaml#/components/schemas/SchoolSubject - $ref: ./sisdata.v1.yaml#/components/schemas/SchoolPeriod nullable: true EventResponse: type: object x-tags: - Event description: 'The response for a single Event given by the Consumer that received the Event.' properties: id: type: string description: 'The identifier of the Event where this response refers to.' status: type: integer description: 'See functional status codes within the Documentation.' statusMessage: type: string description: 'See functional status messages within the Documentation.' required: - id - status SchemaVersions: type: object x-tags: - SchemaVersion description: 'The supported schema versions of a specific schema in an api.' properties: api: type: string description: 'The api where the schema is part of.' enum: - 'events-api' - 'consent-api' - 'catalogue-api' - 'course-api' - 'usage-api' - 'progress-api' - 'results-api' - 'entitlement-api' - 'order-api' - 'sis-api' schema: type: string description: 'The schema within the api.' enum: # Events API - Event - EventResponse - SchemaVersion # Consent API - ConsentUpdate - ConsentRegistration # Catalogue API - Product # Course API - Course - CourseStructure # Usage API - InitialActivation - Usage - IndividualUsage - EntitlementUsage # Progress API - SimpleProgress # Results API - SimpleResult # Entitlement API - EntitlementEvent - EntitlementConfirmation - ChangeLicenseStatus - ChangeLicenseStatusConfirmation - ActivationCodeRequest - ActivationCodeConfirmation - ActivationCodeRevokeRequest - ActivationCodeRevokeConfirmation # Order API - OrderRequest - OrderConfirmation - CreditOrderRequest - CreditOrderConfirmation # SIS API - SchoolPeriod - SchoolSubject - Student - Teacher - Group - StudentDelivery schemaVersions: type: array description: 'The schema versions supported for this schema.' items: type: string description: 'Schema version of the schema using semantic versioning 2.0.0' example: 1.3.0 required: - api - schema - schemaVersions securitySchemes: OAuth2: type: oauth2 flows: clientCredentials: tokenUrl: https://api.example.com/oauth2/token refreshUrl: https://api.example.com/oauth2/token scopes: la.catalogue: 'scope that allows a MP or LMS to receive Products from the Catalogue API.' la.course: 'Scope that allows a LMS to receive Course information from the Course API.' la.usage.activation: 'a scope that allows a MP or LMS to receive InitialActivation information from the Usage API.' la.usage.usage: 'a scope that allows a MP or LMS to receive Usage information from the Usage API.' la.progress: 'a scope that allows a LMS to receive Progress information from the Progress API.' la.results: 'a scope that allows a LMS or SIS to receive Results information from the Results API' sis.school: 'a scope that allows a MP, LA or LMS to receive basic school information: periods and subjects from the SIS API.' sis.student-teacher-group: 'a scope that allows a MP, LA or LMS to receive student, teacher and group data from the SIS API.' sis.student-teacher-delivery: 'a scope that that allows a MP to receive student delivery information including address from the SIS API.' mp.entitlement: 'a scope that allows a LA or LMS to receive entitlement information from the Entitlement API.' mp.activationcode: 'a scope that allows a MP to send activation code requests from the Entitlement API.' mp.order: 'a scope that allows a MP to send order requests from the Order API.' paths: /event: post: summary: Receive a single Event operationId: post-event x-tags: - Event responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/EventResponse' '400': description: Bad Request content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/EventResponse' '401': description: Unauthorized - No valid token presented content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/EventResponse' '403': description: Forbidden - No consent given to access the requested resource content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/EventResponse' requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Event' description: | The request body contains a single Event. Events are processed asynchronous. In the request body a status code and message is included as a confirmation if the events are received in a correct format. All events are confirmed with a status ok (0), excluding events that have an invalid format or events that were sent in an invalid security scope or consent. See Documentation for functional status codes and messages. description: | Endpoint to receive a single Event as a Consumer from different Producers. For example a party in the role of LMS can receive events from all parties offering SIS, MP and LA roles. security: - OAuth2: - la.catalogue - la.course - la.usage.activation - la.usage.usage - la.progress - la.result - mp.entitlement - mp.activationcode - mp.order - sis.student-teacher-group - sis.student-delivery - sis.school /events: post: summary: Receive Events operationId: post-events x-tags: - Event responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/EventResponse' '400': description: Bad Request content: application/json: schema: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/EventResponse' '401': description: Unauthorized - No valid token presented content: application/json: schema: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/EventResponse' '403': description: Forbidden - No consent given to access the requested resource content: application/json: schema: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/EventResponse' description: | Endpoint to receive events as a Consumer from different Producers. For example a party in the role of LMS can receive events from all parties offering SIS, MP and LA roles. requestBody: content: application/json: schema: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Event' description: |- The request body contains a list of Events, sorted oldest events first. For Events that require Consent to be sent and received between parties, Events can only be grouped in the same request if they are from the same school. Events are processed asynchronous. In the request body a status code and message is included as a confirmation if the events are received in a correct format. All events are confirmed with a status ok (0), excluding events that have an invalid format or events that were sent in an invalid security scope or consent. See Documentation for functional status codes and messages. security: - OAuth2: - la.catalogue - la.course - la.usage.activation - la.usage.usage - la.progress - la.result - mp.entitlement - mp.activationcode - mp.order - sis.student-teacher-group - sis.student-delivery - sis.school get: summary: Get Events After Created DateTime operationId: get-events-after-created x-tags: - Event parameters: - schema: type: string in: query name: createdAfter description: 'Timestamp to filter on events created after a certain moment. Format: openapi in ZULU time as specified in RFC 3339, section 5.6' - schema: type: string example: la.Product in: query name: type description: 'Filter by a specific type of event.' - schema: type: integer in: query name: start description: 'Start point for pagination of results, defaults to 0' examples: default: value: 0 summary: 'The start point for pagination' - schema: type: integer maximum: 100 in: query name: limit description: 'Limit of number of results returned by page, defaults to 20 with max 100.' examples: default: value: 20 summary: 'The default value if none is provided' max: value: 100 summary: 'The largest recommended page size' - schema: type: string name: schemaVersion in: query required: false description: 'Optional parameter to request an Event in a specific schema version. If none supplied, the server will choose its default schema version. This schemaVersion refers to the version of the Event format.' - schema: type: string name: schemaVersionObject in: query required: false description: 'Optional parameter to request the object format in a specific schema version. If none supplied, the server will choose its default schema version. This schemaVersion refers to the version of the format of the data object sent within the Event.' responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Event' '400': description: Bad Request '401': description: Unauthorized - No valid token presented '403': description: Forbidden - No consent given to access the requested resource security: - OAuth2: - la.catalogue - la.course - la.usage.activation - la.usage.usage - la.progress - la.result - mp.entitlement - mp.activationcode - mp.order - sis.student-teacher-group - sis.student-delivery - sis.school description: | Allows a subscriber to retrieve a list of past events. The provider will not keep the events indefinite. This API is available to a party that had downtime and needs to catch up on processing or receiving events. The intended retention is a few days to support catching up. /requestseed/{api}: parameters: - schema: type: string enum: - 'catalogue-api' - 'course-api' - 'usage-api' - 'progress-api' - 'entitlement-api' - 'order-api' - 'sis-api' name: api in: path required: true description: 'API for which an initial seed of Events is requested.' post: summary: 'Request Initial Seed for API' x-tags: - Event responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: status: type: integer description: 'See functional status codes within the Documentation.' statusMessage: type: string description: 'See functional status messages within the Documentation.' '400': description: Bad Request content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: status: type: integer description: 'See functional status codes within the Documentation.' statusMessage: type: string description: 'See functional status messages within the Documentation.' '401': description: Unauthorized - No valid token presented content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: status: type: integer description: 'See functional status codes within the Documentation.' statusMessage: type: string description: 'See functional status messages within the Documentation.' '403': description: Forbidden - No consent given to access the requested resource content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: status: type: integer description: 'See functional status codes within the Documentation.' statusMessage: type: string description: 'See functional status messages within the Documentation.' operationId: request-seed description: | Endpoint to request an initial seed of Events from a Producer. The combination of the parameter `api` and the chosen `scope` and `consent` gives the Producer all information to send the initial seed of Events. | producer | consumer | `api` | `scope` | `consent` | events | description | |---|---|---|---|---|---|---| | LA | LMS, MP | catalogue-api | la.catalogue | no | la.Product | All Product objects relevant for the requesting Consumer LMS or MP. | | LA | LMS | course-api | la.course | no | la.Course<br>la.CourseStructure | All Course and CourseStructure objects relevant for the requesting Consumer LMS. | | LA | LMS, MP | usage-api | la.usage.activation | yes | la.InitialActivation | All InitialActivation events from all active entitlement of the School. | | LA | LMS, MP | usage-api | la.usage.usage | yes | la.Usage | All Usage events from all active entitlement of the School. | | LA | LMS | progress-api | la.progress | yes | la.SimpleProgress | All SimpleProgress events (including their last status) from the start of the schoolyear. | | MP | LA, LMS | entitlement-api | mp.entitlement | yes (for LMS)<br>no (for LA) | mp.EntitlementEvent<br>mp.ChangeLicenseStatus | All active EntitlementEvents (including their last status) and ChangeLicenseStatus events. This allows a LMS to place links as if they were received as new Entitlements and a LA to provision products. See documentation for specific handling rules of these events. Both LMS and LA respond with a confirmation message. | | MP | LA | entitlement-api | mp.activationcode | no | mp.ActivationCodeRequest<br>mp.ActivationCodeRevokeRequest | All requests which are not processed by the LA yet. This allows a MP to start requesting activation code before the data exchange has been established. The LA can process these events as soon as the connection is made. The LA respond with a confirmation message. | | MP | LA | order-api | mp.order | no | mp.OrderRequest<br>mp.CreditOrderRequest | All requests which are not processed by the LA yet. This allows a MP to start ordering before the data exchange has been established. The LA can process these events as soon as the connection is made. The LA respond with a confirmation message. | | SIS | LA, LMS, MP | sis-api | sis.school | yes | la.SchoolPeriod<br>la.SchoolSubject | All SchoolPeriod and SchoolSubjects objects relevant for the requesting Consumer LA, LMS or MP. | | SIS | LA, LMS, MP | sis-api | sis.student-teacher-group | yes | la.Student<br>la.Teacher<br>la.Group | All Students, Teachers, and Groups objects relevant for the requesting Consumer LA, LMS or MP. | | SIS | MP | sis-api | sis.student-delivery | yes | la.StudentDelivery | All StudentDelivery objects relevant for the requesting Consumer MP. | security: - OAuth2: - la.catalogue - la.course - la.usage.activation - la.usage.usage - la.progress - la.result - mp.entitlement - mp.activationcode - mp.order - sis.student-teacher-group - sis.student-delivery - sis.school /schemaversions/{api}: parameters: - schema: type: string enum: - 'events-api' - 'consent-api' - 'catalogue-api' - 'course-api' - 'usage-api' - 'progress-api' - 'results-api' - 'entitlement-api' - 'order-api' - 'sis-api' name: api in: path required: true description: 'API for which the supported schema versions is requested.' get: summary: Get Schema Version for API operationId: get-schemaversion-api x-tags: - Event responses: '200': description: 'A list of schema versions supported for each Event object or Response body in the API.' content: application/json: schema: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/SchemaVersions' '400': description: Bad Request '401': description: Unauthorized - No valid token presented '403': description: Forbidden - No consent given to access the requested resource security: - OAuth2: - la.catalogue - la.course - la.usage.activation - la.usage.usage - la.progress - la.result - mp.entitlement - mp.activationcode - mp.order - sis.student-teacher-group - sis.student-delivery - sis.school description: | Allows a Producer to check a Consumer's supported schema versions of a specific API. This prevents schema validation errors when sending events to the Consumer. x-tags: - name: Event - name: SchemaVersion |